Morale: A Conceptual Perspective

Morale is the amount of wisdom, confidence and enthusiasm that a person or a group has at a particular time. It is based on multiple intelligences.

Human personality is the combination of three basic entities, i.e., body, mind and soul. Mind is endowed, naturally, with multiple intelligences. The prominent intelligences are Perceptual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Intentional Intelligence. Morale is a balanced combination of these intelligences. The very basis of perceptual intelligence is intellect, while the sentiments and intentions are the foundation stones of emotional and intentional intelligences, respectively.

The growth and development of these intelligences are essential for personal growth. The warp and woof of perceptual intelligence is knowledge and inference. The buildings blocks of emotional intelligence are sentiments of hate and love. The essential ingredients of intentional intelligence are efficiency and effectiveness.

Moreover, perceptual intelligence provides basis to good judgment. Emotional intelligence breeds better intuition. And intentional/execution intelligence develops wisdom. The stable combination of good judgment or decision power, intuition or emotional power, and wisdom or will power creates self-confidence in one’s life and leads someone towards high morale.

Morale is the amount of wisdom, confidence and enthusiasm that a person or a group has at a particular time.

High morale leads, ultimately, towards successful life. In addition, morale travels and penetrates into linked and related persons and develops a team. Thus, morale is a state of high self-confidence persistently motivating the associated persons; it is based on multiple intelligences.

On the other hand, low morale is the outcome of some disequilibrium among multiple intelligences or low-level of some or all intelligences. Consequently, individual is unable to maintain positive mindset or normal behavior. In addition, low morale disturbs the normal body functions and divinely ingrained soul urges. An individual feels fatigue, physically, depression, mentally, lack of dynamism, spiritually.

A sustained condition of low morale is converted, finally, into demoralization. A demoralized person is non-productive for self and society; rather he/she is burden or liability for everyone. A high morale person is inevitable demand of every society, so that the phenomena of demoralization or low morale must be met at all levels of life, both individual as well as collective. A demoralized society is unable to reap multiple and countless benefits of life; rather the very survival of a demoralized society is at stake. They are incapable to offend or defend some external threats or hostile environs.

A demoralized individual or society is easy prey or a golden opportune for evil or expansionist forces. The expansionist forces may subjugate them anytime.

Note: This post was edited on September, 2020.
The views presented in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Effective Thoughts.


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